Geithner wants to leave the administration after budget talks, according to several reports citing people close to the matter. 在预算会议后想离开政府工作,根据几篇引用知内情人士的报道。
The rest of the world will not wait on budget talks in Washington. 世界其他国家不会等待美国的预算谈判。
By intervening in the budget talks and staking his own reputation on a dramatic new proposal, he hoped to break the stalemate. 他介入预算谈判,把自己的声望押注在一项非同寻常的新提案上,是希望打破僵局。
The move underscored the change in the mood in the US that has followed the Newtown killings, with political observers even linking progress in budget talks between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans to the public hunger for conciliation. 此举突显出纽敦市惨案发生后美国情绪的转变。一些政治观察家们甚至认为,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)与共和党国会议员的预算谈判取得进展,部分反映了与公众对社会安宁的渴望。
Mr Fujii, 77, who was hospitalised late last month for high blood pressure and exhaustion, told Mr Hatoyama that he wanted to resign to avoid disrupting budget talks in the Diet session, due to his ill health. 现年77岁的藤井上月底因高血压和疲惫住进了医院,他向首相鸠山表示希望辞职,以免他的健康问题影响议会对预算的讨论。
Take this budget at face value, and when Mr Obama talks about a new era of responsibility he does not mean: We are all in this together. 我们要从字面意思来理解这份预算案,而且当奥巴马说到负责任的新时代时,他的意思不是:我们所有人都有份儿。